Before Sending Stems or Masters:


 24b / 44.1 Khz  
(32bit float accepted if good reason )

 -6 db peakwhen all stems playing together (But under 0dbfs is good) 

Unable maximiser. If you consider some effects are part of you final song color, don’t hesitate to let them active and send me 2 versions.

 As in mastering process, you can leave effect buses or unable. Send me 2 versions if you’re not sure of your effects buses and let me choose or try something different.

 Artist name - Track Name (Bpm / Root note)

TEXT Document 
Mood Board / References / Recommendations / Explanations of your choices of different versions.

STEM MASTERING (7 Tracks max)
Ex: Kick/ Bass / Snare / Drum Percs/ Leads / FX / Vocals or éléments nécessitant une attention particulière

STEM MIX (30 pistes max)
 If your track contain more than 30 channels:

Try to create intelligent groups in order to achieve coherence between the sounds you gather. For instance, you can mix two leads or elements that do not play at the same time in the same channel. Keep in mind that the way you create these groups will help me understand the importance you place on these elements in the mix.

After Exporting your tracks:

Please re-import them into a new session and check if: 
 - Everything is fine. 
- It resembles your initial version. 
- There are no export issues or glitches. 
- The intro and outro start and end on time.


 The work is delivered upon receipt of payment. 
Let me know if you need an invoice and send me: Name / Company / Address / Email


!!!!!⚠ Verifiez de cocher la case « Pour Vos Proches » avec PAYPAL ⚠ !!!!!  
(Sinon, je serai facturé et vous devrez effectuer un autre paiement.)